We've got a new look! Tenet Education Services and CPL Group have joined the CPC brand! Learn more 

CPC Swoosh
Your procurement partner of choice!

Access education sector frameworks, procurement consultancy services and support all in one place with CPC.

We're an education sector charity which gives back to the sector.

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Do it yourself with CPC's 87 compliant frameworks with 15 approved by the DfE, for all your buying needs.

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We can help you procure compliantly with our not for profit procurement consultancy services such as tender support and on site placements.

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Our Charity Objective is to Advance education and research in Procurement for the Education sector. Get access to a range of CPD approved training.

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Each year our Charity reinvests any surpluses back into the education sector, with over £1.56m having been invested since launching in 2019.

Get free procurement support

With your free CPC Membership you get many benefits including access to expert industry knowledge. It is part of our charity's commitment to advancing education and research in procurement for the education sector.

Free advisory service.
Get 1 to 1 procurement advice from a dedicated Regional Procurement Advisor.
Contract management expertise.
Talk to our friendly contract managers about CPC frameworks and suppliers.
Procurement training courses.
Upskill at a time that suits you with CPC's fully-funded CPD accredited training courses.

10020 education institutions of every size trust CPC to save them time and money

“Using CPC (previously Tenet) meant that I could be sure of meeting all regulations while securing the best value for the school.”

Sheryl Dachs
School Business Manager

“I would recommend CPC Consultancy (previously Tenet Services) to you. I used them for support with our cleaning tender and they offered exceptionally high quality service. I was completely satisfied by their work. They made the whole process so simple for us!”

Chloe Cunningham
Trust Business Associate

“I have received glowing reports from everyone at the College about the procurement service CPC (previously Tenet) is providing to us. We are delighted with the work you are doing. It is fantastic to have you on board.”

Kathryn Holley
Vice Principal: Financial Services

“This is an invaluable service to ensure that the college always achieves value for money and is fully compliant when tendering for goods and services.”

Jo Bentley
Executive Director of Finance & Estates

“We find CPC very helpful in terms of advice and support. The ability to use their frameworks saves us time and expenditure within our own procurement activities and ensures we remain compliant with procurement regulations. Regional seminars and training activities help us to network and to build up the knowledge of our own procurement staff.”

Sandra Wilson
Head of Finance

Collaborate with like minded professionals

Contact other CPC members
Share knowledge and advice with education sector colleagues who work in similar purchasing positions via email using the CPC Communicator tool.
Join our procurement network
Enjoy access to free procurement workshops, discuss new ideas and put recommendations forward to the CPC board when you join our procurement advisory group (PAG).
Join our facilities management network
Collaborate and communicate with other facilities management professionals in the education sector. Hear from relevant speakers, join discussions and share good practices in our FE Facilities Management Network.
Network at events
Meet the CPC team, CPC suppliers and other members! Join us in our amazing village at the Schools & Academies Show which provides the perfect place to meet and collaborate.

Join and start saving today

Join CPC for free and our membership benefits will help your budget go further!